A latex bodysuit for women - shows off your curves in a sexy, sensual and daring way
Would you like to surprise your partner during lovemaking and emphasize your feminine body shape with a latex catsuit? Our latex catsuits fit like a thin, velvety second skin and give you an unforgettable body sensation that will also delight your partner. Every latex catsuit in our range provides a passionate wearing experience that you won't want to do without.
You can choose the latex catsuits according to your preferences: Should it be an entry-level model that covers all parts of the body or would you like to have cut-outs in the chest or crotch area to ensure particularly passionate moments?
A latex full suit for experienced wearers can even be completely made into a rubber doll look. The openings with vaginal or anal condoms are very extravagant and daring. A latex catsuit from our online store gives you the opportunity to rediscover yourself. Our transparent latex suit, for example, will give your skin a fantastic sheen. With our Express line, you can receive the tried and tested models newly manufactured within 14 days.
Rubberdoll Latex Catsuit: Transform into a rubber doll
In our online store, you will also find a very special ladies' latex catsuit, which you can of course configure to your liking. The ultimate latex catsuit for ladies to transform into a rubber doll. This latex suit really leaves no opening uncovered. Anal and vaginal condoms can be discreetly hidden behind a zipper. The attached latex mask can also be lined with an oral condom. And the special breast cut allows the ladies to wear silicone breast inserts and thus increase the cup size many times over.
Use the selection fields on the right-hand side of the item image to choose the design that suits you for each component of the catsuit: from the size to the colors, with or without latex gloves or latex mask to the crotch opening and material thickness, you can put together the catsuit of your choice.

How can I get my partner interested in a latex suit?
Making latex clothing and in particular a skin-tight latex catsuit appealing to your partner is often not quite as difficult as you might imagine, but as with various other topics, it starts with simply talking about it!
In a relationship, you should be able to talk about sexuality in particular and be open about your wishes, desires and dreams. Whether it's certain practices or simply the desire to see and feel your partner in a latex catsuit.
Of course, you should be very sensitive and not open the door straight away, not overwhelm your partner - but still emphasize and express your ideas. Perhaps it doesn't have to be a complete latex catsuit with a mask, gloves and built-in condoms; your partner may want to start off with a pair of skin-tight latex leggings to get her into the breathtaking latex fever.
Women are often influenced first and foremost on a fashion level and so it is often the right model or a chic new trend color that triggers her decision to try out latex clothing. She has to experience this thin, velvety soft second skin first, feel the exciting feeling of wearing it herself and during the first erotic love play in latex she is guaranteed to feel more desire for further hot latex experiences.
So browse through our online store with her and be inspired by the erotic, shiny catsuits or other latex garments.
Simon O. Tip: For a harmonious partnership, there is a simple way of working that should come from the heart: To take pleasure in giving pleasure to the other person.
In our case, this could mean that your partner is happy when she sees how much you enjoy wearing a latex catsuit. But dear men (even if some will hate me for it now :) ) it can also be that it makes your partner happy if you do the ironing for once. Both may take some effort and require you to get out of your comfort zone. But if you can see that it makes your partner happy and they are then much more willing to do other things, then it is worth it and it will soon no longer be an effort.
Latex clothing, high heels and other erotic underwear are an erotic addition to your partner's beauty. Just like a pair of elegant shoes or a chic handbag, which she also buys for the sole purpose of enhancing her appearance with these accessories.
Important: Let your partner know that it is her own willingness to wear latex clothing that makes this “accessory” into erotic clothing and brings it to life!